A blog on the basics and the complexities of global warming and climate change.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
SOS from the Himalayas!
0 comments Posted by Dhairya Thakker(Admin) at 8:55 AM Labels: climate change, environment, Glaciers, global warming, himalayasGangotri, one of the largest Himalayan glaciers is the Uttarkashi district. Originating at about 7,100 meters(m) above sea level, the glacier is 30.2 km long and has a width that varies between 0.5 and 2.5 km. The Bhagirathi river, which is one of the main tributaries of the Ganga, originates from the glacier.
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The beauty of Gangotri glacier is on the wane. (picture: indiamike) |
Here are some takeaways from the report:
1) The team of the institute, which has been monitoring the Himalayan glaciers, especially the Gangotri, since 1999, visited the glacier between June and October this year.
2) Since the last 3 years, The Glacial Study Centre of the institute has been observing disintegration in the snout of the glacier. However, this time the disintegration on the right side of the snout has been taken place at a rapid rate,
3) As per Dr Kumar, a scientist at the institute, the reason behind this heavy disintegration can be attributed to the rapid melting of the Raktvarn, Chaturangi and Thelu - the tributory glaciers of the Gangotri, which are placed at a higher altitude than the Gangotri and are towards its right.
A 2008 research report published in the Current Science titled 'Estimation of retreat rate of Gangotri glacier using rapid static and kinematics GPS survey, stated, 'The Gangotri glacier is retreating like other glaciers in the Himalayas and its volume and size are shrinking as well.'
The glacier has retreated more than 1,500 m in the last 70 years. Post 1971, the rate of retreat of the glacier has declined. As per Dr Kumar, the latest data projects that post 2000, the average rate of retreat of the glacier per year has been about 12 to 13 m.
Dr Kumar said that global warming isn't not the only factor, but it is one of the major factors contributing to the glacial retreat.
Yet another slap on the face for the 'non-believers' and the sycophants.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
When Dogs Fly... one of the most mesmerising videos you'll ever come across!
3 comments Posted by Dhairya Thakker(Admin) at 9:11 AM Labels: carbon emissions, wildlife, world environment dayWe know dogs are man's best friend but have you heard of a dog who trusts his human friend so much that he 'base-jumps' with him? Yes, you heard that right... base-jumping is what this wondrous dog enjoys with his friend, not his master mind you. How is this related to global warming? I can go on and on about how we should protect animals from all sorts of pollution spread throughout our cities or how the warming plant has shrunk their size. Or how global warming could ruin our experience of base-jumping if the ozone layer contracts any further exposing jumpers to potentially fatal direct rays of the sun or if a freak thundershower turns a captivating adventure into a horrific nightmare. Anyway, let's leave global warming and climate change aside for a bit. Let's just enjoy this spellbinding video of man's best friend enjoying the adventure of its life.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Global warming claims yet another innocent victim.
1 comments Posted by Dhairya Thakker(Admin) at 9:53 AM Labels: alps, climate change, global warming, italy, mountain goatsWe have already seen the extent to which the precarious menace called global warming can go to stake its claim on the world. It is like an epidemic which doesn't afflict humans alone, us humans, who are the perpetrators of this preposterous outbreak. Poor and hapless animals too aren't being spared as yet another species of animals faces an existential threat. Mountain Goats, who can give a new born child a run for its money when it comes to cuteness, are facing a severe threat of extinction if we don't act now. While some of our celebrities spew crap on their blogs and social network fan pages, exuding their ignorance about global warming and climate and encouraging their devotees to follow suit, the men who matter, the scientists, who have been studying this adorable class of animals have come out with a staggering find.
Let's look at the major findings:
1) Wild mountain goats in the Italian Alps have got significantly smaller over the past few decades in response to a warming climate, scientists reported on Tuesday.
2) The decrease in size is being attributed to the warming climate, which the scientists believe could have far reaching effects on the natural environment, animals in particular.
3) Young Alpine chamois mountain goats now weigh about 25% less than animals of the same age 30 years ago, as per scientists at Durham University in the U.K.
4) While it is believed decline in the availability of food or deteriorating of its quality is the reason behind shrinking of other species, that doesn't seem to be the reason in the case of mountain goats as satellite data shows no decline of vegetable in the Italian Alps in the last few decades.
5) Changes in the behavioral pattern has been observed among this species, who now spend more time resting than hunting during the summer which in turn reduces their weight.
6) While studies have shown that almost all species, right from mammals to birds tend to shrink as the climate warms, scientists are shocked at such a significant change among the Alpine goals in such a short period.
7) Reports show that temperatures where goats live have increased by 3 to 4 degree Celsius.
8) As per Stephen Willis, a study co-author and professor of biology at Durham University,
even though it is unclear as to how these animals are affected by extreme climates, continued warming could pose a threat to their survival in the future.
The graph below reflects how a similar species of sheep have been shrinking with time due to the warming planet.
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Shrinking sheep(source: Phenomena/National Geographic) |
This news which has even taken the scientists by surprise should come as an eye opener for animal rights activists and animal lovers alike. If care isn't taken to keep the temperatures at bay, we could very well lose this cute and adorable species for good. This might sound to be an overreaction but haven't we been reacting the same way since decades? Wake up!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Counter evidence to top meteorologist who claims climate change is a LIE.
9 comments Posted by Dhairya Thakker(Admin) at 7:51 PM Labels: Al Gore, Arctic, artificial sun, climate change, copenhagen summit, europe, floods, geoengineering, Glaciers, global warming, Greenland, john coleman, marine life![]() |
Mr Coleman has made some startling claims. |
Here are some of his shocking claims:
1) The theory of man-made climate change is no longer credible.
2) What 'little evidence' there is of rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.
3) The ocean level is not rising significantly.
4) The polar ice rising, not melting away. Polar bears are increasing in number.
5) Heat waves have diminished, not increased, so have the storms.
Let us now look at some compelling evidence for rapid climate change:
1) Rising Sea Level.
Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters(6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade,however, is nearly double that of the last century. Greenland's rapid loss of ice means we are in for a rise of at least 1 metre by 2100 and possibly much more.
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Rising sea level as per data collected by NASA. |
2) Global Temperature Rise.
All three major global temperature reconstructions show that the Earth has warmed since 1880. Most of the warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the last 12 years. Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline, resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperature continues to increase.
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The impact of rising temperature on the Earth.(source: iSGTW) |
The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700 meters(about 2,300 feat) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969.
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Chart showing the rise in temperature of oceans.(source: GO3 project) |
4) Shrinking Ice Sheets.
The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150 to 250 kilometers of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost 152 cubic kilometers of ice between 2002 to 2005. As per latest IPCC reports in 2014, the thick Arctic ice was not expected to melt until the end of the century. However, if current trends continue, summer ice could be gone in a decade or two.
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Estimation of melting Arctic ice. (source: ecology.com) |
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Arctic ice pack comparison (source: Wikipedia) |
5) Glacial Retreat.
Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa.
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Contrasting images of Grinnell Glacier over the years. |
In recent times, the number of extreme events around the world has increased on account of climate change. Natural disasters such as storms, droughts, excessive rainfall, heat waves etc. don't pop out our eyeballs any more.
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Pictures such as this one continue to perplex meteorologists. |
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30 percent. This increase is the result of humans emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and hence more being absorbed into the oceans. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layers of the ocean is increasing by about 2 billion tonnes per year.
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Ocean Acidification process. (source: UKOA) |
Tens of thousands of walruses mass on Alaska beach due to climate change : Telegraph.
US greenhouse gas emissions rise despite Obama's new climate change push : Guardian.
Recommended: 7 industries at greatest risk from climate change : CNBC
Just a small fact before closing this post : 97% of the climate scientists agree that climate change is caused due to human activities and most of the scientific organisations and issues statements endorsing the same, Take a look.: Consensus on climate change (source: NASA)
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