A blog on the basics and the complexities of global warming and climate change.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Here's a slap on the face to those who say Global Warming is hoax. It has been let out that Global warming is affecting Europe like never before. To support this claim, I'd like to tell you about what happened in Catigloine, a village in Italy supporting about 2000 people. In August 2007, there was a scare since more and more people started complaining about exhaustion, fever, headache and pain in the joints. No one knew what this epidemic was called. It was then that they learned that it was "chikungunya", a disease of the "Tropical regions" which is caused by warming. It is caused by Tiger Mosquitoes which survive well on climate change and rising temperatures. It's evident that this outbreak was an effect of global warming. I came to know about this in a local newspaper. Thus, a disease which was unknown to Europe for so long finally made it's mark... thanks to Global warming! This is just the beginning... if we continue emitting Greenhouse gases at this rate, such problems will only aggrevate. This time it was Italy, tomorrow it could be England, or Portugal, or Greece!
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