Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The hurrendous cyclone in Burma, which has been tipped to be amongst the worst natural disasters in history which left over 15000 deceased has links with Global warming, if Al Gore, an expert on Global Warming and ex-United States Vice- President is to be believed. His logic behind his claim seems to be pragmatic as he attributes this terrible occurance by mother nature to the rising ocean temperatures, courtesy Global Warming. Now we have the "ignorants" who claim Gore is trying to cash in on the loss of innocent lives to stay in the news.But let me remind them this is no ordinary bloke who's making headlines, he's a nobel peace prize winner. Wonder what bothers them when one is genuinely trying to alert people about something that's the biggest threat our planet faces. Even if what he's saying isn't true, do we keep on exploiting the Earth and wait to see if the effects of Global Warming exists? That's for the detractors to decide...


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