A blog on the basics and the complexities of global warming and climate change.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
You heard that right... Tata Nano, which is the world's cheapest car manufactured by Tata(one of India's leading car manufacturing company), will soon come in a hybrid flavour, company's chairman, Ratan Tata said in an interview to a South-Korean newspaper. However, the chairman did not elaborate on the possible timeline for the launch of the cheap hybrid versions. The company also talks about use of bio-diesel and ethanol across Tata companies. Tata had also talked about a car project the company is working on with a France company, which will run on compressed air. He, however, expressed doubt about the project, saying "it may or may not happen". Till October, the company has delivered 10,518 units. The Nano delivery had started in July this year.
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