Monday, December 29, 2008

Get ready for... green clothing!!!

By now, as an avid climate change tracker, you would be well aware of major innovations meant to be tackling this grave danger. Toyota's environment friendly cars, green packaging and so on. But here's another such innovation that intends to draw our attention to the issue of plastic waste.A noted scientist Helen Storey, along with Tony Ryans from the University of Sheffieldhave come together to create plastic dresses made out of similar materials to washing capsules which literally disappear on washing! It's meant to seek a solution to the large scale discarding of clothing and sending it to landfill sites. The plastic is made from polyvinyl alcohol.

Now here's another hugh leap in the field of fashion and glitz. This new kind of clothing does have a few problems, but if one looks at the aim at which it has been created, there's a lot to admire. More such innovations need to be worked upon especially with regards to stuff of daily use to keep our contribution to this serious problem at a minimum.


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