Thursday, December 25, 2008

Think Green this Christmas!

I'd like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! While celebrating this special occasion, let us reaffirm our commitment towards making this menace of global warming history. Let us make a new year resolution to save our planet! Spread the word of peace and green all around. Together, we can and we will make a difference!

A few basic tips on how you can make a difference this holiday season by following simple steps:

Recycling gift wraps: Why not give green? Recycling gift wraps would do wonders. Lilienfield(co-author of the book Use Less Stuff: Environmental Solutions for Who We Really Are.), who has published a newsletter on reducing waste since 1996, notes that if every family reused just 2 feet [0.6 meter] of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles [61,000 kilometers] of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet. Also, if you could give gifts which do not need wrapping, nothing like it! They could be in the form of home made cakes, tickets to a movie or a play or something else!

Growing a tree: Takes little of your time to sow a seed and water it everyday. If a quite a lot of us do this much, it will not only beautify our surroundings but help equip our planet much better to fight this danger of global warming.

Using energy efficient lights: By going for energy saving lights either to decorate the Christmas tree or our homes, we can save significant amount of energy.

Go vegetarian: Go vegetarian, at least a few times a week. Producing meat takes more than eight times as much fossil fuel energy as raising plant foods, according to David Pimentel, professor of ecology in Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. And, he adds, for all that energy used, meat is only 1.4 times as nutritious as plant foods. (See "Livestock Production: Energy Inputs and the Environment" at Cornell University,

By following only these 4 steps this holiday season, we can make such a hugh difference. Lets go for it! cheers!!


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