A blog on the basics and the complexities of global warming and climate change.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Geoengineering to fight global warming?
Posted by Dhairya Thakker(Admin) at 3:48 AM Labels: G20, geoengineering, global warming
As time goes by and the major emitters of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming keep on giving a blind eye to this deadly menace, the threat of an ice-free Arctic during summers looms large. There was no major breakthrough during the G20 summit with regards to climate change. Inspite of agreeing on a $1.1 trillion stimulus package, campaigners believe that climate change was the biggest loser at the summit. Once again world leaders have short-changed people and the planet,” said Friends of the Earth’s executive director Andy Atkins. “The economic system and the global environment are on a devastating collision course - but despite pledging to build an inclusive, green and sustainable recovery little has been done to change direction.” While developed nations want India and China to be equal partners in tackling climate change, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has made it clear that it is not possible to be equal partners with nations like the United States which contribute(emissions) many times more than what is contributed by India. There is a deadlock there as well.
As things get worse, a suggestion to tackle global warming in case of an 'emergency' has come out. It's to cool the climate by use of technology. This is called geoengineering. President Obama's science adviser John Holdren has suggested the shooting of pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the Sun's rays. he claims that this idea has been discussed in the White House and the future course of action will be arrived upon.
Talks, talks and more talks! When will our leaders come up with a stringent and an effect solution? Mistrust, jealousy and greed to grow without considering the effects on our environment has driven us away from important issues that could take it's toll on our future generations. Well... wait.. on us...!!
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