Monday, June 8, 2009


World Environment day passed just 3 days back(June 5)...This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, to stimulate awareness about the environment, and enhance political attention and public action.

Here's a look at how we stand today... and how the present state of the environment if allowed to deteriorate would create a grave danger for our present and future generation.

2009: The first migration due to sea-level rise took place this year from the Carteret Islands, off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

2020: Less than 5% of Amazon forests will remain in pristine condition, About 1/5 of central Africa's forests will have gone.

2030: Around 5 lakh humans will have died due to the fallout of climate change.

2035: Many central and eastern Himalayan glaciers will melt completely.

2050: Maldives will become uninhabitable due to sea level rise. Some say it could happen by 2030.
How India responded to this special occasion...

Chandigarh: World famous Taj Hotels in Chandigarh organised a special candle-lit dinner by turning off lights to reaffirm their support for the environment and this special day. As the clock struck eight in the evening, the lights in most parts of the hotel were either switched off or reduced to the minimum. Instead, the hotel was lit up with candles as and where needed. "World Environment Day is an internationally acclaimed event and it has inspired us at Taj Chandigarh to celebrate the spirit and the cause with our patrons," remarked the hotel's general manager Anil Malhotra as guests walked in, pleasantly surprised to see the warm glow.

Delhi: Hundereds of people undertook a march to express their concern and make a statement on this World Environment Day. Dressed in white t-shirts with tress printed on them, their aim was to create awareness about this growing menace of global warming and climate change and to encourage people to grow more trees.

Gwalier: Children participated in a fancy dress competition to mark the World Environment Day in Gwalior on Friday to propagate the message of 'Save the Environment' with unmatched enthusiasm.

The event was organised by the Association of Gwalior Youth Society had organised with a purpose to relay the theme of 'Save the Environment'.

Tripura: In tune with United Nations' theme this year, various organisations and educational institutions in Tripura today held colourful rallies, tableaus, talk shows, debates and quiz contests as part of observance of 'World Environment Day' across the state.

The state government has urged citizens and public authorities to stop vehicular movement in the state and switch off their power gadgets for 15 minutes at 1100 hours to observe the day.

While such initiatives are refreshing, here's hoping that the message to be passed reaches out to many who in turn do their bit in making this planet a greener place.

1 Comment:

  1. Craig said...
    nice post there... there's a lot to be done regarding this issue and this world environment day should play a crucial role in creating awareness about this threat of global warming and climate change.

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